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Concrete Field FDOT Specifications Class

Qualification Details

Written Exam Required.

Full Class Price:

Proficiency Exam NOT Required.

Allowed up to 2.5 hours to complete the written exam.


Open Book Written Exam.

Class Duration:

Three Days

Class Objective:

To assure job site concrete tests including quality control, quality assurance, verification, and dispute resolution tests for concrete construction, used as part of the acceptance program are performed in accordance with the Standard Test Methods, project specifications and other contract documents.

Subject Matter:

FDOT Specifications on the Field Placement Sampling and Testing of Portland Cement Concrete.

Initial Qualification Requirements:

-ACI Concrete Field Testing Tech Grade 1 certification
-Pass FDOT Concrete Field Inspector Spec. Written exam


Re-Qualification Requirements:

-Same as Initial Qualification​

Concrete Field Qualification has two Levels, Level 1 & Level 2

Concrete Field Technician Level 1 requires the following certifications:
-FDOT Concrete Field Inspector Specification (class we offer, CTQP class)
-ACI Concrete Field Technician
Recommended Training Course for ACI Certificate, CMEC,

The Level 1 qualification is good for 5 years. Since both certifications above are required, the overall qualification expiration date is based on whichever above certification expires first.

For example: FDOT CF class expires 1/1/15 and ACI CF expires 5/1/15. The expiration date will be 1/1/20. The student then needs to re-certify their FDOT CF class before 1/1/20, then the qualification expiration date will become 5/1/20, until the student re-certifies the ACI CF, then the overall expiration will become 5 years from the latest FDOT CF qualification. Whichever one expires first, that’s what the qualification overall expiration date is based on.

Concrete Field Technician Level 2 requires the following certifications:
-FDOT Concrete Field Inspector Specification (class we offer, CTQP class)(same as Level 1)
-ACI Concrete Field Technician (Recommended Training Course through CMEC, (same as Level 1)
-ACI Construction Transportation Concrete Inspection (CTCI) (Recommended Training Course through CMEC,​

The Level 2 qualification works just like the Level 1, with regards to the expiration dates, but now there are three certifications to watch expiration dates on.

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