(386) 788-9899
Auger Cast Pile Inspection
Qualification Details
Written Exam Required.
Full Class Price:
Proficiency Exam NOT Required.
Allowed up to 2 hours to complete the written exam.
Open Book Written Exam.
Class Duration:
Two Days
Class Objective:
To provide students the basic knowledge, understanding and skills to perform as an Auger Cast Pile Inspector on FDOT construction projects for Bridges and Miscellaneous structure foundations.
Subject Matter:
-Typical Equipment and Components used in Installation
-Various Methods of Installation and Installation Process
-Typical Plan Sheets, Installation Plans, Specifications, etc.
-Review Roles and Responsibilities of Inspectors for recording, reporting and documenting.
-Load Testing in Compression and Tension, as well as, Thermal Integrity Testing
Initial Qualification Requirements:
-Pass Auger Cast Pile Inspection Written exam
-Obtain on-site experience in which they have directly observed, inspected, and recorded the full installation of at least thirty (30) piles for bridges utilizing the FDOT forms.
Re-Qualification Requirements:
Pass Auger Cast Pile Inspection Written exam